Your partner for Police-, Military- and Security-Equipment. We sold products by Warrior Assault System, Blackhawk, HCS, Leo Köhler, ZentauroN, Lowa, HAIX, and many more in the past.
The company CHK-SHIELD was a retailer of tactical equipment and gear for security forces, especially the police, military, and other authorities. Beyond equipment for security forces in our shop, we also offered useful gear for medics and other official personnel. The company was founded by former Recce members of the Federal Armed Forces, whose expertise and experience serve as the dogma for their services. Among the tactical gear are articles such as combat helmets, various vests like plate carriers, training weapons, a variety of holsters and bags for ammunition and grenades. However, the shop was not limited to tactical equipment only. Outdoor gear for campers and hunters CHK-SHIELD offered interesting articles for civilians as well. Military apparel such as boots also serves as enduring and reliable hiking boots. Beyond that, CHK-SHIELD had a variety of jackets, shirts and other clothes in its portfolio. Since these clothes have to meet the criteria of the military, they fulfill the highest quality standards. Furthermore, stable, big bags and backpacks make for excellent camping and hiking equipment. Survival athletes will find the packs containing drinking-systems very useful.
In 2019 the company was transformed from goods exchanging to information providing company. We offer a wide variety of data about the army and outdoor gear in our blog. Also, you can produce these products under our brand by licensing.
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$21.40 Regular price $24.99 On Sale
$28.99 Regular price $33.99 On Sale